Lesson 2 – Left Hand Grip

I know this might seem like boring mundane stuff, but this will be the start of a theme.  Getting the fundamentals of grip and setup right will help eliminate most of the potential errors you can make later on – getting you stuck on a plateau.

Don’t skip ahead!  Even if you’re an established player, review the grip and make sure it’s formed as good as can be done before you move on to other lessons.

The main takeaways here should be that the club is gripped at the base of the fingers and NOT across the palm.  The thumb is running down the grip at 1 o’clock with the most distal joint extended or turned up a bit – this will allow that pad of the thumb to apply force to the grip when uncocking the wrists.  The ‘V’ or crease between the thumb and index finger should point between the right ear and the shoulder.

The correct left hand grip sets the clubface and ball face tendencies to neutral while maximizing the potential torque that can be applied by the wrists coming down.
Keep a club handy in the house, office, or garage and practice the grip while on the phone or watching TV.  Two minutes a day, every day, will get the proper grip automatic in a few weeks time.
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Lesson 3 – Right Hand Grip

2 Comments. Leave new

  • egarcia906@msn.com
    June 13, 2021 8:00 am

    HI Steve,
    I have been putting the Mike Austin swing to my swing and it is much easier and less mechanical then the other instructions i have been trying during this pandemic. I’m a 74 year old, 5’4″ male and after a month in practicing this swing idea, I have been hitting my driver longer and my irons shots so much more straighter. I would like to have an personal instruction with you in the near future and see if you can tweet a little more speed in my swing. Will contact you shortly.
    Thank You so much. Ed Garcia

  • Robert Kalbfleisch
    March 21, 2023 6:11 am

    My grip is to large. Using a jumbo grip.

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