Getting More For Less: The Keys to Driving Distance Efficiency

There’s something very beautiful about smooth efficient motion. And I don’t just mean in golf – but any sport or even dance.

I’ve been mesmerized by great athletes from basketball to ballet, from golf to gymnastics. It’s as if poetry from a book by Robert Frost has spilled out all over a sports field.

Most golfers do everything the opposite. They try to be strong and grip down hard. They swing with effort, with enough stress to clench their jaws and turn their knuckles white.

A good golfer can be efficient in two ways. One, they can create a high amount of clubhead speed for a small amount of effort. And two, they can create a lot of distance from a minimum amount of clubhead speed.

In this video I demonstrate how to squeeze nearly every yard out of your effort, and explain exactly how you can copy me.

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Consider these two charts published by Trackman, and refer back to them as you watch the video. These are the theoretical maximums you can hit a golf ball at certain speeds:

You can see how close to optimum I’m swinging. Now I would simply work on swinging faster. If I was able to maintain the same efficiency, I would drive the ball about 350 yards at 120 mph!

Where are you on the chart? How much distance are you missing?