3 Simple Distance Tips for Senior Golfers

Although the potential for hitting our longest drives starts to diminish around 45 or 50 years of age, most golfers have never come close to reaching said potential. This means there is usually tons of room for improvement, whether this improvement may come through more solid periods of practice and regular trips to a golf course, or through having a more dedicated focus on your technique.

As golfers start to reach their later years, they may find that they have some slight issues with mobility and flexibility potentially caused by a variety of issues such as muscle mass loss, fatigue, and arthritis. Whilst nothing can be done to stop these completely, there could be treatments or supplements used to possibly help manage these. For muscle mass loss taking extra protein supplements such as whey protein shakes might be beneficial. When it comes to fatigue using products with antioxidants potentially similar to Gundry MD Proplant Complete Shake or a probiotic might be useful in helping to provide some energy.

Once issues such as physical health have been assessed, to check that you are not damaging your health in potentially any way, then you might feel more comfortable moving on to focus on technique. Golf is often a technique focused sport rather than a strength-focused one, which is why once you have got your swing perfected you should hopefully be able to enjoy the past time for many more years, regardless of age.

We know this by observing the world’s longest hitters on the long drive circuit. ‘Fast’ Eddie Fernandes has recorded swings of 150 mph in the last year at the age of 49. He hovers around 147 in competition.

Also in the 45-50 age group are Jason Zuback, Kevin Blenkhorn, and Jeff Gavin who can all get 140+ still.

In the 55+ year old bracket you have golfers like Pat Dempsey and Vince Ciurluini who can still get up to 140 mph clubhead speed.

Compare that to Kyle Berkshire who dominated 2019 with several wins. Kyle has reached 152 mph in competition, only a 5 mph difference, which when set in proportion, would mean only a 3 mph difference for golfers like you or me. And comparing him to the 55 year old max, it’s only about 6 mph difference.

So while you drop, it’s not that much. With good efficiency you can even make up the difference. Worst case scenario is that you lose about 15-20 yards between the age of 25 and 55 if you keep the same level of training and activity.

In the video I give you 3 very simple tips to help launch your drives further down the fairway.

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Senior Golfers: Add up to 50 Yards With This Drill Sequence!
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Hit Your Drives Dead Straight More Consistently!

1 Comment. Leave new

  • Ian Blackman
    March 2, 2020 8:26 pm

    Your post is excellent. You are a very good teacher and you know your stuff. Keep up the great work Steve. I am sure there are many people like me who appreciate greatly your help.

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